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  • Writer's pictureMamiyMe

Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific

As we continue to search for ways to infuse life with the Spanish language, we have enjoyed the many benefits of the Aquarium of the Pacific. We have been visiting the Long Beach Aquarium since our first child was 1 year old. She is now 8 (almost 9!). There are many things the kids we love about it, but I personally love how everything is bilingual.

When the kids were little we would just walk around and point at the little fish. The kids would look around, and we would provide the conversation and vocabulary. As the kids got older, the level of interaction change. They started to add more of their own words, and we would provide a higher level vocabulary.

The aquarium has pamphlet available in Spanish that you can get as you enter. We love running around collecting stamps. There is even a small prize you can earn if you find them all. As we read the pamphlet they have a chance to listen to new vocabulary that we would not have otherwise used. Our Spanish is great, but how often are we using marine biologist terms in our everyday conversation? Not often ;) It is like knowing all the medical vocabulary when you are not a Doctor...hard, right? so here I feel like the work is done for us.

My only tip...get there early! We always visit right when it opens or 1-2 hours before closing. Anything else requires a little more patience and food ;)

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