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  • Writer's pictureMamiyMe

2019 Reading goals

Updated: Jan 26, 2020

- My reading interest = extremely high

- My reading goals = ambitious

- My reading reality = well...

Reading has always been my guilty pleasure, and I would be lying if I did not admit that my interest only increased when my kids were born. After all, there is article after article explaining the benefits of reading to your kids. 8 years into motherhood, I can honestly attest to its benefits.

Anyway, with kids it has become harder to find time to do many things, and of course my reading hobby is the first to suffer. I have good years, bad years and better years. This year, 2019, I have decided to read 50 books!!! Crazy, right? I will admit that as the year goes by, I wonder if perhaps I am being a little too ambitious. For now, I am giving it a shot.

A few things to know about my reading style:

1. I am a fast reader

2. I hate skipping or not finishing a book. I am in recovery ;)

3. I lean heavy on legal thrillers (ex. love John Grishamn)

But aside from the quantity of books, my goal in reading is also to expand my knowledge base, laugh a little, and take make the most of my free minutes. I am lucky enough to be surrounded by strong readers, so there is no shortness of recommendations. I am committed to reading a variety of topics, some which I would never select myself. It is like when you try on something you don't think you are going to like, and then end up loving it.

I look forward to sharing my list with you. I can't help but think patterns will arise as I indulge in topics I find interesting. For a comment, I considered writing a book review of sorts for each of the books I read, but I am not certain that is appealing. I often find questioning the purpose, position and circumstances of the people writing them, so I will spare you. That said, I will share the list and if you find you want to know more about a particular book, then I am happy to tell you what I think (based on my beliefs, life goals, and circumstances ;)

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