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  • Writer's pictureMamiyMe

Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose

For us, school is in English and so is life (outside our home). For this reason, I make it a point to infused Spanish to our home life. This includes television, reading, daily conversations and even visits to the park, zoo, museums, etc. I will admit the latter is takes THE most effort for us because it means translating and thinking of new vocabulary every step of the way. It would be SO much easier to do it in English, after all, the literature, the signs, and the exhibits would already be written for me. But...I like to make things difficult :) ha ha.

Sometimes, we get lucky and find museums, parks, zoos, etc. that already provide a bilingual experience. Unfortunately, there are not many, which kind of surprises me since we live in California - a state where most say that speaking Spanish is an asset.

But we will not get into that...right now ;)

This was the outside playground but that every sign was like this one.

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