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  • Writer's pictureMamiyMe

Favorite Shops for Spanish Books

We love reading and books!!! There are books everywhere, not just in the 'key' places :) I even have them organized (adult books, children books, Spanish books, English books, fiction, travel, non-fiction, now books, later books, educational books, holiday get the gist).

Whether in Spanish or English, it is the one expense I don't like to budget for or feel bad spending on. That said, I do try to 'save' where possible. Here are my MUST for books:

- Bargain prices: This is usually in form of used books, or hand me downs. I don't know why people don't do this more often! I've always wanted to hold a book swap party. Is that just me? Anyway, I am all for reuse/reduce/recycle so used books are right up my alley. Some places even buy them back! This works well for our adult books, which we don't keep much.

- Acquisition: It has to be easy to get which usually means online (as long as shipping is manageable or free). Stores are fine, but are often too far, too pricey, and thus limiting.

- Well written: I have to admit, I am very picky about the literature itself. I think because I come from a country of great writers, and rich culture. I also feel good literature models good writing (regardless of the language), so it is important. I am also a bit of purist, so I lean towards Real Academia Española for guidelines.

Here is where I usually get our language books:

1. Local library: Ours has gotten much better over time. The selection is bigger and every day they bring out new ones. My only caveat is that not all books are created equal. Pros: It is free ;) Con: You have to drive there and there are due dates.

2. Used book stores: We recently visited Beach Town Books in San Clemente. It has a GREAT selection of children AND Spanish books. It also provides a wonderful experience with an alcove in the kids section, and self-serve coffee (and who does not like coffee with their books :). Sometimes they even have 'buy 3 and get 4' deals. Pro: Good buy, good deal. Con: At the mercy of current selection.

3. Online: I am not going to lie, I love Amazon for so many reasons...price, shipping, and selection. However, I have recently found new options. If you have never heard of Fifth Street Books, you are missing out. They are based in NY but they ship for free. You buy in bulk and select books by grade level. They are always willing to stock up on Spanish books to ship to you. Pro: Good buy, good selection, easy to obtain.

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