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  • Writer's pictureMamiyMe

Trendy or not!

Updated: Dec 23, 2019

I have heard that learning another language at a young age is considered "trendy". Is that right? I never thought of it that way, since my parents made it seem like second nature.

In conversation, I've learned that for some speaking another language was taboo, or perhaps a deterrent to assimilating to the culture here in the US. I can understand that. While I'd like my kids to learn another language, I foremost want them to master the English language...after all, that is the language of the country where we live.

Trendy or not, the act of learning another language has infinite benefits. The act of learning something (a sport, a hobby, an instrument) forces new muscle memory that with time becomes habit. This applies to languages too, the muscle in this case being your brain. So it is not being trendy at is called exercising ;)

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